Help me? Lady bits issue ;^;


Okay before you spaz, I'm trying to get in to see an obgyn by trying to book an appointment online and they haven't gotten back to me yet, so I'm waiting but they're taking longer than they should(they said within 24 hours they'll respond, it's been over 48).


So it started out looking like a tiny external hemorrhoid from what I could figure out by looking it up. Not too worried. It's a little tiny singular bump right on my perineum, and it was slightly itchy, would hurt if you pulled the skin, and bled a teeny tiny bit if you irritated it. Not the end of the world. But now I have no idea what in the heck is going on. So it seems a little bit closer to my vaginal opening than before when it was like right on the perineum, leaning towards the anal opening. And it's SUPER itchy. Like, gotta wiggle when I walk to scratch it, waddle when I walk to avoid irritating it. Also, I already have somewhat medium-large labia, but they're SWELLING. Like, one of the sides was like a bubble like at least twice the normal size. Also, I'm getting lots of white-white discharge. Normally my regular discharge or like "I thought about sex too much and here's the leftover wetness leaking" kinda discharge is generally clear or a faint white, but this is like, whiter than milk white. Thank god it's like puke green, but it's still abnormal for me. And when I say a lot of discharge, I mean like I should be changing my panties 3 times a day to keep dry. I would love to just wear liners and change them every 2-3 hours or whenever needed, but I'm worried that I'd get a little diaper rash and that'll irritate the bump more. And I'm not the most careful during sex either, but it's just a singular bump. If it was 5 bumps or more I'd label it as a potential STD, but it's just one little bump and that's it. Plus, I haven't gotten any in over a month, like I don't know what could've even caused it either except for maybe a lack of cleaning up down there enough. Whenever I feel like it's needed, I take unscented baby wipes and freshen up. There's also a slight foul smell. Not yeast infection smell, but like an "oh, that's not good..." kinda smell, not "oh my god it's like there's a rotting mouse in there" kinda smell. So like, I honestly don't even know!! I just wanna go to an obgyn(which I have never been to one before but I have had an exam down there before with the dinglehopper and whatnot), and they won't get back to me so tonight I filed another appointment request, so hopefully I can get in soon!! I'll put bullet points below to shorten this whole thing.

So does anyone know what this could possibly be???

• slightly foul smell

• single bump that lies near the perineum

• thick milky discharge

• super super itchy

• swollen labia

• lots of discharge

• thinned skin (like raw, worn down skin mainly near the anal opening)

• bump lightly bleeds when irritated