A message from God!♡

Yliana • I have faith in God that I will be able to have kids with my wonderful husband that I love so much!

Long story, but a blessing to read!

Last year in September I was told by my OBYGN that I couldn't conceive on my own that I wasn't ovulating so eggs weren't released, & that my husband had low sperm count.. That day I was angry, sad, and fearful. Sad thinking it was all my fault and fearful that I was going to lose my marriage cuz of it. I got angry with God. I stopped worshipping God, I felt my world was falling apart. But then....

Here is where I gained my hope back;

In December 2016, I had went to a woman's retreat with the women from my church. I wasn't going to go dude to not getting paid on time to save a spot for myself, but my mom who also went had already paid for me to go, (so that was a blessing), so I went. I wasn't in the mood of being there for the fact that I wasn't right with God. On the first day I didn't see no use of being there. I was putting myself to the side.. We had our first service that night. In that service God spoke to all the women. I for one didn't hear God speak to me, well from my understanding. I didn't know if he did or not or I just didn't know how it worked. I asked my mom and she told me what you feel and that your heart/spirit knows, I was okay then so I went on with my night, nothing still...

So that next morning/afternoon, we had another service. In that service God spoke to me. And this is what he said:

God said, "I am your God who brought you out of the land of Egypt, do not be afraid or dismay, behold I am with you every day to the end. Do all that I have commanded you. If you believed you would look at the glory of God. You have been alone and sad because of the evangelist, but today the Holy Spirit has come upon you and I will fill you until your cup overflows.

You will never be alone, you and your house will serve to give me glory.

You've been asking me for a SON and I've been deaf, I want you to look very well at what you ask, It's not impossible, but I tell you today, What are you going to give me in return? Think about it, and we'll talk again, you and me!

Who as your faithful and beloved servant beloved of my soul, strong warrior, beloved of the God O Almighty. I have put you up and up to help and restore. Eat of my honey and you will never again have no evil.

My deer come to the waters and drink from the river of living water, go deeper, that's where I will be, love, today is the day. Take care, do what I tell you, always your father and Lord The Great I AM. Amen.!

P.s. I love you!

This message was given to my mother, who just wrote what he said and couldn't remember what was written down till the women's leader read it out loud. Then I knew for a fact it was for me. I prayed every day for God to fill my empty womb with his blessing.

It gave me hope again. Now I just leave everything in God's hand's. Because truly it's in his timming and not mine.

I hope this long message wasn't a waist of your time but an encouragement to talk with God. To start hoping again. To start praying and asking God to bless your womb.

If you read this, I pray to God to bless your womb and to give you hope again! Nothing is impossible for God! May God bless you and your future family!!♡