leaving 2 year old for first time

I didn't know where to post this but my 2 year old daughter is so clingy, she cries and when we leave her. She isn't too bad when it's with mine or my husbands parents. But with his sister or someone she gets into a tantrum and keeps crying for us. My friend said she knows a messy play group thing where you take the kids too and you leave them there.. obviously you stay with them the first couple times then after that you just drop them off. Thing is I don't think I'm ready to leave her somewhere like that. I get so upset when I have to leave her and she starts crying for me.... and I dont even leave her that often it's only if I have to go somewhere and have an appointment or something. But I need her to get used to not being with me or husband all the time. As she'll be starting nursery when she's 3. I don't know weather I can take her to this play group place without me getting all upset when I have to leave her. So should I wait until next year when she starts her nursery school or take her to this place...? How do I know she's ready to leave me 😭 or I'm ready to leave her 😩how did everyone else get past this clingy stage. The last thing I want is for her to become so clingy she cries all the time when I drop her at school or anywhere 😞