husband wants me to quit

We are ttc and my husband being old fashioned decided that I should quit my job after the baby is born. We both have good jobs and make good money. His job could float us if I didnt work but just barely. He just thinks that with the cost of daycare and both of us working full time hed rather me just be home. He says the amount of time we both spend at work our child will be in daycare a lot and doesnt want someone else raising our child. I agree with him on that front. But I dont know if I want to quit my job. Ive always had a job, since I was 15 ive made my own money and taken care of my bills and I was raised in the mentality to never have to rely on anyone else to take care of that for me. I know hes my husband and we are a team and this may be benificial but it just freaks me out. Anyone else go through this? Was it a hard adjustment?