Bad person?

My boss has made me feel like a complete asshole for saying that I want my baby to be a boy, much more than I want a girl. I've always envisioned having a little "mini Alex" (my husband's name) running around my house, getting into shenanigans with his daddy. Plus I grew up in a house full of women so I've just always wanted a little boy. She told me she was "appalled" that I'd even voice that - well when you ask me what my husband and I want do you not expect to get an answer? In a roundabout way she insinuated that if I have a girl it won't be loved near as much if it's a boy. That's simply not true. I've gone through over a year and a half of disappointments while trying to conceive only to find out I had to have surgery to fix some underlying medical issues. I want and love this baby so much already that nothing, especially what's between its legs, is going to change that. I can't believe someone would even suggest that to me. 😠