self love and body positivity ! let's see all you lovely ladies !

Rebecca • Wife💍 Harrisons mommy 🥰 TTC baby #2
I'm a really big advocate for self love , having confidence and feeling great ! I personally want to be someone who is constantly helping others see beauty in themselves and someone who spreads positivity ! I personally struggled with self confidence for an extremely long time so I know what it feels like . So this is for all women out there who struggle with that , or for all you out there who already know you are beautiful . Post a photo of yourself and I'll comment and tell you 3 things that I think make you beautiful . Beauty is much deeper than appearance and I know that . But I believe every woman deserves to feel beautiful and IS beautiful no matter how much or little makeup she wears , how big or small her pants are and how many stretch marks she has on her body . We are all beautiful . Let me see you !