My baby boy is finally here!


Welcome Alistair Wayne Sprouse to the world hunnies! Sorry it's so late ladies. Been bustling around and have been completely absorbed in my little man!

My story will be short and sweet. I had to be induced into labor Thursday night since they didn't want me to go past 41 weeks (which was Friday) to avoid stillbirth and plus he was just taking up too much space! There was a complication during labor and also the pain was unbearable. (I thought I was strong enough to have an all natural birth. HAHA!) Anyways, I went into hypertension about 30 minutes after I chose to have an epidural and there was a huge scare that I wouldn't make it. But I did! Baby and I are perfectly healthy! I'm absolutely in love with him and so is everyone else that I know. I can't help it, I'm so proud of the handsome devil.

Btw, be prepared for a lot of pictures. We did a photoshoot in the hospital the day after he was born.