Condescending attitude

I'll start by saying that my husband and I are very much in love and there is definitely mutual respect in our relationship. However, I'm struggling with an issue we have when we do, on occasion, have an arguement.
This morning we had a silly argument over something that really shouldn't have gotten so big in the first place. We've both let go of the argument itself but I still feel very hurt and it's over the same thing I always feel hurt over in our arguments.
I struggle with his condescending attitude during petty arguments.
Like this morning, he phrased something in a way that I misunderstood what he meant. He was picking on me a little bit (in a playful way) and I got a little insecure about what he said, so I told him that. He thought I was mad and immediately got defensive so I quickly said "I'm not mad or upset, just a bit insecure about it is all". His response was "if it offends you SOOO much then I just won't do that EVER again." Understand that this wasn't said as a genuine apology, it was laced with irritation. I took what he said to mean he wouldn't joke with me anymore so I said "I don't want you to not joke around with me anymore..." and he said "Is this going straight over your head? Do you even hear anything I'm saying?" I asked him to please stop being so condescending towards me - to which is sternly denied being condescending at all - and then I explained to him why I thought he meant joking around PERIOD versus just this one thing and then asked if he understood where I may have gotten confused and he said "no, I don't" and again THAT sounded condescending... so I just gave up.
He apologized to me before he left for work by saying "I don't want to leave for work while we are like this so, I'm sorry for being condescending" and I should have just accepted that apology but I don't believe it at all. He staunchly denied it and made me feel stupid for saying it or trying to explain so... I really felt he was only apologizing so he could have a clear conscience at work, not because he genuinely felt remorseful for hurting my feelings.
Basically, am I just being over emotional because I'm m pregnant? Does this need any more discussion? Do I just let it go? He is like this often when we argue but we always make up...