I need advice // Our one year wedding anniversary 🙊

Okay so, the 6th of February will mark one year being married (5 and a bit years together).
Whilst we dated (4 years), we didn't have legitimate sex, just mucked & played around with being intimate. (We chose not to have sex before marriage) 
This has kind of carried on into our married life. So, in the span of a year, we have probably had sex 12 (or a number close to that) times or so. We are totally in love with each other by the way ❤️
So we are planning to go out for dinner & cocktails after Uni, & I wanted to do something special for him (sex related obviously haha). 
What do you recommend I do? 
May I add, the most Ive done special when we are having sex is Oral & he really does enjoy that. 
Here goes nothing!