
So I didn't have sex.
On Saturday Jan. 28th, I got together with this guy. We didn't have sex and he didn't ejaculate at all, but he fingered me. I know that there isn't any way I could be pregnant, and yes, I know that if I worry THIS much I shouldn't be doing anything sexual, I'm not looking for that kind of advice. I'm just asking for help on what I'm experiencing symptom wise. 
I feel really dizzy and light headed whenever I think about being pregnant. And I've had some pain in my stomach for the past few days. I've also been really gassy. I've had a scare before, and I am getting the feelings that I got when that happened. I don't know why this has to keep happening to me, I just wish my anxiety would go away. My period is suppose to start a week from today. No breast tenderness or nausea, I'm just freaking out a little bit. Someone please help me.