Sleep Training - Put down, Pick up

Danielle • My oldest daughter was born 6/29/16 💕 my son was born sleeping on 9/29/20 👼🏻 my youngest daughter born 12/14/21 🌈
I am prolly a little late on the sleep training but I wanted to wait until well past the holidays and had to get her to stop nursing to sleep first before I did sleep training. It took about a week to stop the nursing, the first 3 days were the hardest. Now she's good with it.
With that done we have started to put her down awake but drowsy and do the pick up whenever she cries routine. The first night it took one hour and around 70 times of pickin her up! But then last night (night 2) it took a half hour and 25 times! I couldn't believe he much easier and faster it was. My daughter is a super fighter when it comes to sleep in the first place so I'm not expecting it to be easy and her just fall asleep on her own for a little while but I was soooo excited with the progress.
Anyone else try/trying this method?