
So sick of my gp telling me I need to go on hormonal birth control to be able to manage my period cramps and saying I should try the combi pill. I came off hormonal birth control for a reason (extra hormones in my body wasn't agreeing with me). My mums side of the family has a history of cervical cancer and I've had it confirmed by multiple ob-gyns and doctors at hospitals that it's being passed down. My mum found out she had it 2 months after having my brother and my grandma, my great grandma, my great great grandma AND her mum have died from it. My auntie recently found out she has it. That's 6 generations that've had it. I even got told when I got my copper coil fitted that I should avoid bc with estrogen in as it can heighten my chances of getting it and yet all the gps at my local surgery insist it's just coincidence that so many family members have got cervical cancer and there's nothing linking it. They're also adamant that estrogen will NOT heighten my chances 🙄sorry for how long this is and I appreciate if anyone took the time to read it all and 'listen' to my rant, its just that they hack me off SOO much😡🙄