sick in the middle of a coffee shop

Destynee • PCOS • 2 natural born • pregnant with our letrozole baby🤍
Weirdly enough I'm proud I'm already feeling this because it just makes it that much more real! But this is the story. So I'm on my way to class. (I graduate with my bachelors in may) and I wanted some coffee. So I stop at a coffee shop down the road from me and wait for my cup to be called. As I'm standing there I suddenly feel nauseous and I start getting an extremely watery mouth (we all know that happens when you're about to vomit) so I knew it was coming. Then I start gagging. At this point I am so freaked out because it's never happened and I have no idea where the bathroom is, and I'm in public! Finally I find the bathroom behind me and try to run in but the door is locked😳 total horror story moment. By the way who has one bathroom at a COFFEE shop?💩 anyway so now I just have to stand there and calm myself down and try my best not to throw up at this point. My coffee was called and I ran out of there! Lol