I'm Done!

Jasmine • 25 Years Old ♉️, Married 👰🏽, Rainbow Baby Girl Was Born On 8/24/19 ❤️.
I'm out this month 😔. Af was due today and sure enough it defiantly came first thing this morning 😡. Ugh, this is so annoying 🙄. Me and my husband been trying Sense our miscarriage with our twins in May 2015. But do to his legal issue he's been incarcerated Sense January 7th 2016. He's in work release now, been there for two months now. So I see him occasionally at work on his lunch break or when he gets off and we BD. He officially comes home for good March 20th 2017,  so excited about that! I think I'm going to just stop tracking and leave it in gods hands. All this tracking and temping and ext is just to stressful 😞. Plus when he gets home for good we will have more time to BD whenever we want and that will give us more chances on conceiving. So, I'm done tracking! Just going to use this app to know when AF is coming! Fingers crossed, baby dust to all 💫.