Fiance hung up on me?!

He literally just hung up on me because I didn't want to continue to argue after he didn't understand why I was arguing in the first place. So we're about to put an offer in on a house and he's not wanting to accept any money from his family when we're 4k short for the down-payment and closing costs and our monthly fees are going to be around 1100 so things are going to be tight. We have plans of his friends renting the spare rooms which will take 600 from that 1100 but he doesn't want them to move in for the first few months because he doesn't want them moving in getting on the way of us moving in and the added stress of all of our schedules. To me that didn't make sense because regardless they're going to have to move in and if we get used to a schedule the first few months it's just going to stress us out when they move in and we have to learn their schedules then. He told me I was unlogical in thinking that they should move in at the same time and I said okay then they won't move in the first few months and we can just drop it and he continued and tried to agrue with me about it even more and I said no you don't want to argue over this I don't want to agrue over this we can just drop it and he hung up on me. I don't think I was being unlogical and from the way he made it sound this whole time looking for a house was that they were moving in right away. I just don't get it. Maybe you girls can help me understand where he's coming from I just don't know.