Bed time


So our routine is usually like this, but I want to know if anyone has tips for making baby start going to sleep around 8 instead of 11?? I can never get him to stay asleep if I put him down early.

Me and baby get up at 530, I pump and do my devotions and he has bottle and diaper change and we fall back asleep till 9 or 10, another bottle, "happy hour" with singing/playing and tummy time. He takes a nap at 11 for 45 minutes, up again for play and fun time. Nap in swing from 2 till 4, bottle, up again, plays till about 7, bottle, then he gets put in the bouncer while I wash bottles and get cleaning done. He usually just chills at this time, not super active but not usually sleeping either. He will take another short nap at 8ish but never stays asleep. Up again by 930 to eat and then kinda cranky till 11 when he always passes out at 11 on the dot. Swaddled and in his bed. He is on breastmilk 100%.