My rant for the day. Sorry.

Ok, so I have 2 cats and 2 dogs. 1 dog and 1 cat are fixed. I have just been waiting for my tax returns to go get the other 2 fixed, both are female. The place I am taking them does extra testing for health when they go under for surgery that I love to have for them so I know they are safe, but it's gonna cost me $435 to have them both fixed... My job only pays me a little over $200 every 2 weeks, but I have other things to pay for as well like my car, phone, and other bills. So, I haven't had money to do it yet. Well, my little town is where people bring their unwanted cats and drop them off and leave them.... So there are tons and tons of them. Well, some have been sticking around my house and have managed to get up into my walls and under my house!! So I called animal control to please come take care of them. I know that they handle cats because I checked with the city before calling. Well the lady wouldn't even talk to me about the problem animals, she kept bugging me about my 2 none fixed animals. Keep in mind, yes, I know they need to be fixed badly, but they also NEVER leave my house! I plan on fixing them as soon as my taxes come in and I told her that. Well she proceeded to yell at me and tell me that she will take my pets away from me if I don't fix them this week. She was so rude to me about something that wasn't even important to the reason I called her for! Like how dare you speak to me that way and tell me what to do with my animals. If you're so concerned about it, you pay the almost $500 to have it done! Sorry about ranting, but holy crap she pissed me off. I will be speaking with her boss as soon as I get the chance to call him.