can't sext

I cannot sext for the life of me. I honestly find it a huge turn off when guys send me pictures and what not when I barely know them. And this one guy I met through my college group chat wants to call me tonight and he's super attractive which is probably why he thinks I appreciated that picture he sent me earlier. But I swear if he starts trying to talk dirty I will burst out laughing, I find it so funny like I can't contain myself😂 I've gotta be in the moment if any of you can get that, just because I've seen so many woman post about sexting and how it's such a turn on. Maybe it's bc you're comfortable w your so's and I barely know this guy. But either way guys always just jump right into sending me pictures and they don't even bother asking if I want the pic in the first place. I mean it makes me feel like they don't even care to respect me. And then I just end up not responding, but this guy is super hot so I don't want to stop responding I just want him to chill for a sec😂