8 months upset.

Hey gals. My fiancé and I have been try for about 7 months now. Now hardcore but I have been opk testing. That's about it. Still no luck. I am 28 and he is 30. We are healthy. Don't smoke. Eat well. I'm a little overweight but besides that perfect health. My doctor even ran test to see if I am ovulating which I am. What's wrong with me ?! Is this normal. Should I go ahead and go see a specialist. I feel like it's never going to happen for some reason. This month I stoped opk testing and I'm just trying to relax and not strsss. Any advice. I know 8 months is nothing for some people. But it's killing me. Oh I also have regular 33-36 day cycles. I did skip last month due to meds and having a bad flu.