I don't know what to do 😢😔

Ok. So we (fiance and I) made the big decision of subleasing my apartment and moving into a place together. So I got someone to sublease, and got the new apartment lease set up. But, we apparently SUCK at adulting, because we failed miserably at planning the financing for this.

I thought subleasing would be easy; they sign the paperwork and pay this month's rent, I cover the utilities, and all is well. Instead, what ended up happening was my apartment complex charged me for rent this month anyways, as a "severance fee"...AND they charged her rent, too. So they got 2 people to pay the full amount of rent for the same apartment. Smart business move on their part, but I feel royally screwed over.

And then there's the new place. I have to be out of my apartment by tomorrow. The new apartment was SUPPOSED to be ready by Saturday. Well, they now tell me that I'm going to have to wait a full week before I can move in. So now I'm paying for a hotel for a week. When they approved our credit, they said we would only have to pay first month's rent and a $200 deposit to move in. No biggie. Well now I have this email from them with a list of things we will owe to move in, and they want first AND last month's rent plus the deposit. Plus renters insurance, plus getting the electric in our name. Yay.

So. Instead of moving costing us $1500, it's costing us closer to $3000. And we don't have that money. So now we're stressing on our finances trying to make it happen, and we're falling just short of having it.

In the middle of all of this, all of our stuff is 2 hours away at my mom's house because we can't afford storage units, and he's gone for most of this because he lives and works an hour and a half away from me. (Hence us moving in together. I'm moving closer to him).

We were just trying to get on our feet a little before the baby comes and now it feels like we just royally screwed up. I don't know what we're going to do. I'm homeless for a week, we're looking at probably over drafting both of our accounts with this move, and I'm feeling really alone in all of this since he's not here, even though I know he's going through it too.

Any advice? Encouragement? Anything? I just need to know somehow this can still all work out