May be starting clomid

Hi ladies! I have been TTC for 3 years resulting in 3 miscarriages. I recently switched doctors because the one I had didn't seem want to help. For example I'm on day 66 of my cycle and my old doctor wouldn't let me come in for a blood test. She said to keep testing with home pregnancy tests until I get a positive or a period. So anyway I see my new doctor today Friday February 3rd and she mentioned if my blood test comes back negative and the ultra sounds looks okay she may want to start me on a medication that will jump start my AF and then start me in clomid. My husband and I did some research about clomid but I would like to hear from people who have actually used it and whether it worked or not, how long, positives, negatives about clomid. My husband is worried about the chance for twins, I wouldn't mind twins. Another big question I have is did anyone pay out of pocket for clomid and if so how much does it roughly cost. Not sure if my insurance will cover this right away. Thank you in advance to anyone who responds. Baby dust to all 😀