So fed up!

Does anyone else feel like being single would make no damn difference !? I feel like I am picking up after 2 kids instead of just the one I actually have!

I do everything for the baby. Feed, clean, bathe, play, etc. I also work 2 part time jobs. One is babysitting so the baby comes with me.

My s/o? Comes home bitching they havent sat down all day (after working a 6 hour shift). Claims they never get s lunch break cos they are too busy to sit down. Does things JUST so he can complain.

If I complain? He compares EVERYTHING. He nitpicks if I leave the ketchup out one time even though I put it away every day he leaves it out! Lastly if I mention anything he does wrong, I get cut off. Or the "zip it" treatment.

But then if I dont wanna cuddle at night I am beinh negelectful and unloving. No asshole I have a kid attached to my hip all day. I dont want to snuggle the second I get a moment to myself.

I feel utterly disrespected. Like everything I do is wrong or not enough. And if I complain? I am being a whiney bitch.

Dont know how much longer I can do this. Might as well be single. At least I will only be picking up after one child.