Husband not helping

Let me start by saying I am extremly grateful for my husband providing for me and my daughter, im a stay at home mom/full time ems student ( I do bring in money though bc im using my post 9/11 bill from the army ) that being said I take night classes so husband can watch our daughter, I asked him last night to feed her and give her a bath while I was gone. I unfortunately came home later than expected to a baby COVERED in baby food and the house a disaster, baby hadn't had a bath, the dog hadn't been out of her cage since I had left and I was furious. But I let it go, then today I spend literally all day spotlessly cleaning the house bc I can't stand living in filth like that, I didnt have class tonight so we were going to go to dinner somewhere when he got home, well, he came home late so we didn't go to dinner and he ordered pizza knowing how much I've been watching my weight, then proceeded to leave everything all over the house, from beer caps to wrappers, he didn't even rinse his place and put it in the dishwasher, im just so tired of feeling like a maid instead of a wife, I get that I'm a stay at home mom and I don't mind keeping the house clean but constantly cleaning up after a baby and a perfectly capable grown man is getting to be exhausting. I've told him how I feel too and he just takes it as nagging, he doesn't help me with the dog at all bc he says "shes my dog" even though he wanted her in the first place, he barely helps me with our daughter other than watching her while I'm gone and occasionally feeding her, but only when im gone. I love him with all my heart and like I said I really do appriciate him but I just don't ever feel like anything but a maid anymore. Is anyone else's husband like this or am I just being dramatic?