Test day dread

Tomorrow is 12 DPO - testing day.  Today was filled with fear, anxiety, and hopefulness, too - but then I think of how I was hopeful the last time, and the time before that, and the 8 other times before that.  I think about the synptoms I swore I had and that I think I have now.  I wonder if it's worth it to test.  Maybe AF is disappointment enough in just a couple more days.  If it's negative -What strategies will I have for coping during my work day?  How can I keep the tears at bay?  I'm low progesterone, so testing now would mean I can start the supplements my baby needs sooner.  Not testing delays that, but also, my possible heartache if I get just one line.  I am so dreading tomorrow. But what if...?  UGH!