Ladies using CLOMID... Question for ya

Sarah • We just had our rainbow baby 2/3/19 after 5.5 years of ttc and 3 miscarriages.
Alright ladies. I'm on my second cycle using 50mg of clomid on CDs 2-6. I have PCOS and the hubs and I have been TTC for over a year with no luck. 
My 1st cycle bbt chart on clomid looked great... Like an example chart haha. My period was 7 days long, I ovulated in CD17, and AF came after CD28.
My 2nd cycle bbt chart has been quite different. My period only lasted 5 days, I didn't ovulate until CD25, and no AF yet. Glow says AF should arrive after CD36.
Anyone else experience this?
Not sure if it's something I should call the doc about and see if I need a higher dose of clomid or what. All help is greatly appreciated!