Mother's opinion on my relationship

So i am 20, and i have been with my boyfriend for a year in March. The other day my mum and I were in normal conversation which drifted to my relationship. She told me what her honest opinion was and what she thought about it all, and for me to not take it personally, it's just her opinion.

She says "i can see you being very dissapointed", that i deserve a lot as i put in a lot of effort, i am a very affectionate person and i dont recieve enough of that back.

My boyfriends shows his affection in his own way, for my birthday he took me away as a surprise to this amazing bed and breakfast mansion right on the beach front for 4 days. Including a massive pot of beautifully arranged flowers, god knows how much it would have cost all together (the thought counts more to me than money)

But he just understands me and knows how to make me happy, which my mum doesn't see. He isn't like me when it comes to personalities and how we express our love for eachother. Though we just click without question.

I feel she focuses on the negative that she blows out of proportion , when it doesnt even worry me that much as we talk about our problems/concerns that we always come to agreement on. He is a great, focused, 21 yr old uni student, that also works in hospitality, has focus and drive, a busy schedule which i am also a part of .

She doesn't see what i see and what he does for me.

What do i do?