I'm pregnant with pressed!!!!

Long story short. 
I got a positive ovulation test on jan 9, my doc had me go on CD21 for a blood draw to check if I was ovulating, she called a couple of days later to tell me the tests were showing I was NOT ovulating. So we were waiting for my period to start and she was going to put me on clomid. Well last month I was 11 days late so I knew my body was messed up. I was 5 days late when out of no where my boobs started to hurt, which was normal pms symptom for me and then a day later we went to go out and at 8:30 pm I got a nauseous feeling, bought a test the next morning (Sunday) got an incredibly faint positive on two FR called doc, got my blood drawn yesterday and it was positive. My hcg levels is only 11 so I'm only like 2 weeks! So I'm shocked it even showed! But I used pressed everyday in my "fertile" time, atleast what I thought was my fertile time. And continued BD every other day after my fertile week for about a week and a couple days. Soooooo happy!!!! I MC OCTOBER 2013, so we are estactic!! Scared but estactic. Good luck to everyone! We tried for about a year before this! 
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Congrats!!! We used preseed as well and got my BFP yesterday!!!


Posted at
Same with us!!!