
Bree • 25 years old. Madly in love with my king 💘. Have one healthy baby boy who just turned two and one on the way! 🍼👶 2 angels in heaven 👼👼.

Hello Ladies,

FTM and I am 2 days postpartum.

My son is already everything and I am so in love. Before I became pregnant I had severe anxiety and panic. While pregnant it disappeared almost like my baby boy cured me. Well it came back I guess due to hormones running crazy. My heart rate was sky rocketing so they made me take medication. I was just wondering if any other women are feeling sad, happy, and every other emotion. One second I am so happy and the next I am crying thinking I'm not doing a good job or my husband is going to leave me. Feel like I am making myself sick. There are times where I don't want to eat. I feel crazy.

Sorry. Just wanted some other experiences that moms have gone through.

Thanks for reading 💙

Here's the precious boy xo