Is it because of my period?

So I havnt had it in 33 days. It usually comes every 27-29 days. I woke up this morning and I went to the bathroom to wash my face and my stomach began to hurt when I sat on the toilet. It felt like something was squeezing my whoooolle stomach. From under my boobs to my pelvic area. It her soooooo bad. When I got up the toilet I couldn't move, I couldn't walk. I went to my bed and this was the worst pain I've ever felt. 1000x worse then my period cramps. I didn't have any blood today. I went to my bed and lied on my stomach and it hurt so bad. My
Whole upper stomach and down there felt numb and felt like it was gonna expose. I've been bloated asf for a whole week too. Today was very bloated. Is this because of my period? Is it coming today? I'm 15 never had sex and my periods been regular for the past year (had it since I was 12) now it's regular sometimes then sometimes 1-2 weeks late 

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