Random Orgasm?

I just was getting ready for work and 'BOOM' random orgasm. I'm not complaining, I wasn't aroused, I'm not masturbating, I'm just a bit thrown off. I wasn't doing anything stimulating, it just hit me. 
Has this ever happened to anyone else? 

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Posted at
Never had it happen, but I mean, go girl lol. 


Posted at
I have never heard of that! That would kind of freak me out. Might be worth researching.


Kitty • Feb 7, 2017
High stress definitely


Blueswan • Feb 6, 2017
Looked it up on Psychology Today and there were three possible explanations: 1. A symptom of PGAD, which it doesn't sound like you have, 2. Unconsciously provoked and associated with high stress and certain medications, and 3. Prompted solely by erotic thoughts. I'm guessing 2?


Posted at
It happens to me a lot and I think it's because of stress. But idk, like you, I'm not in the mood, I'm not thinking about sex but suddenly BAM! There she goes girl. 


Posted at
Has happened to me a ton of times. They are totally random and not nearly as good as a normal one but still like "what the heck" you know?Glad to know I'm not the only one.


Posted at
It's never happened to me, but it sounds awesome! I do have them in my sleep from time to time tho