done with having babies... or am I? πŸ˜­πŸ˜‚

Gina β€’ Teen Mommy to a gastroschisis warrior (10/2/13)πŸ’š And my little baby boy (11/2/16)!😍
So I swore I was so done being pregnant at about 36 weeks with my second pregnancy. I told myself, I know I'm going to forget all the uncomfortable feelings and wish I was still pregnant after baby is finally born... 
I used to want 6 kids πŸ˜‚ then I had my second, and man oh man! I swore I'd never let another baby grow inside of me! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
Well he's 3 months old and I'm seeing everyone's "expecting again" announcements. And I'm jealous! I want to be a pregnant mommy again! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ 
I can't be the only one here that can't make up my mind! I told my SO this and he laughed and said "NO THANKS! I'm good with just two kids! πŸ˜‚ 
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I always just wanted two but I can't imagine being pregnant only one more time in my life! It may also be that both my husband and I grew up in families with 3 kids.


Gina β€’ Feb 10, 2017
I'm a sibling of 3. And my SO is the baby of 7 lol so I guess he knows what it's like to have a big family and doesn't want that for himself πŸ˜‚


Posted at
I want three and my fiancΓ© wants one.  I am determined to win this battle lol.  I want our LO to be at least a year old before I get pregnant again