Am I pregnant?

So I am almost 4 months postpartum and I haven't had a period but I am mostly breast feeding (just recently introduced formula for going out) I have been so so tired and sick the past couple of weeks and I did have sex but with a condom each time (4 times since baby was born) I don't know if it is my hormones going back to normal maybe or if I'm pregnant so today I took a test and it looked negative so I was about to throw it away and go on with life but I took one last look under the light and there is a very very (almost invisible) faint line for positive. I thought I was imagining it but I showed hubby and only under light he sees it barely too. I don't know if you can just see the dye under light or if I'm very early in pregnancy but I'm just asking for your guys' opinions & experiences. Btw I took this test just now and it's 10pm where I live. Thank you for your help!!

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