Happy mom, happy baby💓😆

Daniela • Momma To A Princess👑 07.22.16 2:10pm💖 Expecting Baby #2 March 3rd 💙👣
super super happy and just wanted to share😆 
for about a month my nipples have been cracked and began to get bloody and lately the pain is so horrible I can bearly stand to shower, my baby usto take bottles with my pumped milk when she was a newborn I stopped and just ebf her, with my cracked nipples to find relief I needed to start feeding her pumped milk again but for the love of god she wouldn't take it!! she would cry every single time, she would spit the milk out and finally after a month of trying she took her first whole ounce through her bottle😭💓💓 I'm hopping I can finally get some relief and help my nipples heal a lot faster🙏🏽