medication after miscarriage question

I had a miscarriage Saturday and passed the largest parts of the miscarriage after leaving the er. Monday my doctor said I had a lot of blood/ left in my uterus and gave me the option of a d and c, take medication to speed up the process, or wait it out for it to happen nauturally. I decided for the medication as I just want the rest out so I can physically be more normal if that makes sense. I'm on day 2 of 3 on the medication and I have the cramps they told me I would but little bleeding day 1 and none today. Should I be worried that the medication isn't working? Has anyone else had this happen? I'm worried that I'll end up having to wait for weeks and weeks for my body to get back to normal or have to have the d and c anyways; neither are really options I want to have to do. Should I be calling my doctor to tell them I'm not bleeding or wait to see if it happens before my follow up appointment feb 20?