Baby eats before every nap

So my girl has got to where she will not go to sleep until she's had a bottle (formula)whether it be a sip or the whole thing even though she ate after she got up. This is with naps and before bed. I've tried her pacifier...four different kinds...mam...dr browns...nuk..advent the dr browns is like her bottle nipple. I try that before a bottle and let me tell you she wil cry and cry till you give her another bottle. I'm not sure what to do....I obviously give her a bottle but then she cries if I try and lay her down after a burp...she usually falls asleep on my shoulder...try and lay her down again then it's all over again .....if I get a good burp and lay her down she gets cranked up....she was doing so good sleeping by herself for the past couple weeks..she's eating 4-5oz each feeding every 3-4  hours. And sometimes she'll sleep 2-3 hours in one go during the day and then most days little cat naps here and there. She usually sleep from 9pm to 2am and then wants a bottle then 2am to 7am ...then up for the day. She's 3 months old... she had jaundice really bad for her first few weeks so we had to wake her up and she'd feed to sleep.....any tips or tricks would be awesome. I do keep her upright for about 15 to 20 minutes after every feeding too including the snacking