Feeling scared, anyone else?!

My husband and I have bot been back and forth do years now about wanting a baby but in the end decided being a bit older and married would be nice.  So, after getting married last year we decided we were ready. I was so excited I could hardly contain myself! We officially started trying December 1st. My AF is expected the 8th and I'm terrified. A huge part of me hopes I was lucky and got pregnant this cycle, but another part of me has trouble not hyperventilating and crying at the thought of being a mother. Am I ready?! Can we afford this?! There are so many things I feel like I haven't done yet! I'm not good with change and generally commitment things scare me! It was hard to get married even! (Knowing I love my husband more than anything, we had been together 6 years, and already lived together!) Sorry for the really long read BUT please tell me I'm not the only one TTC that is scared while wanting to at the same time?!