don't waste your money on clear blue plus pregnancy tests!!!!!

This morning I'm devastated, I have been taking clear blue plus tests and they all come back with faint lines!!, I honestly was convincing my self I was pregnant with me being 3 weeks late on my period all these cramps and pains, and having really sore boobs.
I've woken up this morning taken a red dye test and it's come back negative and a clear blue digital test which stated "not pregnant"
I am absolutely devastated, for something you want so badly to thinking you had it to actually not having nothing at all.
My partner has asked for some times off work today as he is too, we both wanted this so badly. Going to have to go to the doctors now and explain the pains I had and I'm 3 weeks late!.
If the doctors don't sort me out for once and for all I'm just going to have to pay private health care which is so bad as I'm a working citizen that pays taxes! 😭😭😭😢😢😢😢