scared to take a test

I had a miscarriage back in November. It was not easy nor my first. But by far the hardest. I was almost 9 weeks and the baby came out at home while my husband was not home. after what felt like labor pains I saw the baby and held my angle in my hand. 
We have not been trying again but I really think I'm pregnant again. Since the last miscarriage I have been going on a 25 day cycle. According to my <a href="">period tracker</a> I'm
Now 3 days late. I'm constipated, my boobs hurt, and my tummy just has that full cramps feeling. I have a lot of stress going on at home. My husband is having medical issues. So do I chalk it up to stress or what? I want to get a test but I'm scared and I want to do it alone. With my husband being home and not well he is ALWAYS with me lol. I don't know what to do. Really just writing this to vent. I'm scared to be pregnant again and have the same thing happen again as the last time. And because I have an older daughter and a step daughter I had to put the happy face on and didn't really have time to get over things. I'm also currently going through a custody battle with my ex husband for full custody instead of joint and he in court threw my miscarriage at me telling everyone in court that I lost my baby as if I did it on purpose. I'm still going to court.... ahhhhhhhhh I just need my brain to turn off and suck it up and take a test. Thank you for anyone who stayed to listen.