BF for 7 months and going strong

Jaz • Mom to two beautiful daughters and another on the way!! Happily married for 9.5 yrs.
Ladies-I remember stressing so much about whether or not I'd be able to breastfeed.  Here we are 7-months and going strong.  It has not been easy as a full-time working mom-but it has been amazing.  The bonding has been awesome.  
We have had our struggles - thrush 3 times!!  Ugghh- talk about wanting to quit.  
My girl went on a nursing strike when she was 5-months old for a week and I was devastated.  But I kept at it and she relatched.  We have been going strong since.  
Recently went on vacation to Mexico and it was so nice not to worry about what she was going to eat.  By the way-the 2 shirt method is amazing to be discreet in public.  Especially since my mini hates being covered by a blanket.
At first i was so embarrassed to show my boobs and now I don't care.  My babe needs to eat - she needs to eat - end of story. 
Also-at first I was all about "breast is best" and now I realize this shit is hard - "fed is best" END OF STORY.  We have to support everyone's journey-regardless of what path they take.  
Started baby on puréed solids at 6-months and about to start baby led weaning and I'm freaking out! 
How is everyone else's journey going?