Baby boy name help!!! 🙄

Okay so my fiancé & I found out we are having a little boy. Well we made the decision before we found out that if we have a boy we would name him Lucas after his moms side. Well now I'm over thinking everything & I love the name Lucas I'm just not sure I want to name him after MIL considering she does NOT respect me or my fiancé in any way. The plan was Lucas Rider Clarke. Rider is my last name & we were going to use it as a middle name because I am the last Rider in my family. So now since I'm not too sure about Lucas I have other names.. we really like Jaden or Kaden & we would keep the middle name Rider but here's the thing.. one of my friends are pregnant as well, 8 weeks behind me & she doesn't know what she's having yet. Back when I first found out I was pregnant, I told her I liked the name Jaden & she did as well. Well now that the time is getting closer she's saying if they have a boy they're thinking about either having the first name Ryder or naming him Jaden Ryder & honestly it pisses me off because I feel like she kind of took my name. So I'm not really sure what to do. I mean I do know that it is mine & fiances choice I just kind of wanted the name to be somewhat unique & if she names her kid similar it's going to bother me A LOT.. so now I'm stuck on whether we should just stick with Lucas or say screw it, screw her &  name him Jaden or Kaden Rider.. what is everyone's thoughts? 

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