Ectopic pregnancy

UPDATE: Just got my Day 4 draw results in, they went up about 200 but that wasn't unexpected.  Just praying that they go down for my Day 7 draw on Monday, otherwise it means another dose of meds or surgery.... 😨😳
I found out on Monday that I have an ectopic pregnancy after I believed that I had already miscarried due to the large amount of tissue I passed on Jan 21st. I was in quite a bit of discomfort, not the sharp pains that most people talk about. After two U/S and three blood draws all showing that my HCG was still slowly going up they finally saw the embryo near my left ovary. Luckily nothing had ruptured and I was able to take the medication option and avoid surgery but this whole thing has been so confusing and I have a whole new appreciation for what chemo patients go through since the medication for ectopic is a minute dose of methotrexate, which most commonly is used for cancer treatment. 
Sorry for the novel but I feel like I have been holding in all this information from my coworkers whom didn't know I was even pregnant so I can avoid the looks of pity....