Ultrasound guided core biopsy

In 2012 my gyno found a lump the surgeon said they were inclusion cysts well I went in for my exam this year and where I had been having pain in my breast the surgeon scheduled me for a ultra sound and mammogram I had the ultrasound done on 1-29-15 they found what they said was not inclusion cysts but what looked like a clogged duct on 2-3-15 I had a ultrasound guided core biopsy which was not as bad as I thought it would be I will know results on friday I wanted to share my story I'm 27. Married and wanting to tell ladies don't put off anything with your tatas cause your afraid it's better to take a little pain to know it's nothing then to put it off and take a risk that it's serious and to late to do anything about it if your having pain see you doc or if u feel a lump ask your doc to see a surgeon so you have everyone on board with it so that you are well taking care of