
Christina • TTC for 15 months. 3 rounds of Clomid. Two losses. Now due 2/22/16!
I wanted to write this down for myself and then I thought, why don't I ask the ladies in my group for their breakdowns? So here's mine!
12/25/14 1st day LMP
1/13-1/14 (CD 20&21) peak day according to Glow and ovulation symptoms 
1/23 BFP!!
1/29 Beta HCG 359, Progesterone 17.5
2/3 HCG 1,999. Didn't ask progesterone. 
Things seem to be progressing nicely and everything in normal range. Glow says I'm 5w6d, but I think based on when i ovulated, I'm 4w6d. Any thoughts? And let me see your break downs!!