told wrong sex of baby??

Leanne • Married & pregnant with baby Andrews #4
I was curious to see if anyone recently found out there 20 week scan tech got sex of baby wrong?? I had a ultrasound last week & lady that scanned was having trouble seeing the sex of the baby so than real quick she took a picture like thing (i think anyway) & said what sex she thought baby was I'm in uk & they have to say 95% (I don't want to say apparent sex of baby as nobody knows yet) anyway I've another scan next week & I'm going to ask again but this is why I'm not sure if they got it right I've got baby's of each sex already & this baby is so simular to 1 of my pregnancys & nothing like my other what sex she's said the baby is so I'm not 100% sure she got it right & my family member also works at the hospital & they said that the lady that was scanning me would have been training as she had another sonogrpher in the room with her but that other person wasn't in & checking when she said sex of baby as they was called in another room at that time