Round 3- bad case of the motility blues


Hey ladies! I am on round 3 of 50mgs of clomid. I ovulate on 50mgs so doc won't bump me up, but he did give me an extra day of pills during rounds 2 & 3 for a "boost".

I wasn't feeling great going into round three because while on round two I started heavy spotting 2DPOand it pretty much continued straight through til AF. It was the pits - The epitome of Debbie Downer. I went in for blood work, and O was confirmed and progesterone levels were looking good as. Still no explanation for the spotting.

Three days into round 3 we got my husband's SA back with sky-high count and solid morphology, BUT.....38% motility. *WOMP WOMP WOMP*.

So I'm trying not to stress and give up on this round - But I'm a girl. A girl who also happens to be hopped on fertility drugs. My emotions are about as predictable as quantum that, my friends, is a feat that is much easier said than done.

::takes deep breath::

So. I guess what I'm wondering is; how's everyone else doing? Anyone else on round 3? Is anyone dealing with motility issues as well? Anyone in TWW? Anyone else want to eat their emotions by way of an entire sleeve of girl scout cookies?...just me?