Rainbow Baby!!!

We just found out Monday we are pregnant !! We lost a baby 7 months ago and there has and will always be a hole in my heart from that :( however we are very excited and nervous about our rainbow !!! We are 5 weeks and 5 days. At the end of January we were told due to the shape of my husbands sperm we only had a 5-7% change to naturally conceive. His count and mobility was good. That hurt and we were starting to make fertility appointments to talk about our best options when we got out wonderful news!!! It took use 15 months for the 1st pregnancy and then we tragically lost the baby at 10 weeks. And then 7 months of trying for this pregnancy!!! I start my blood work for level checks Monday , I got the blood work to confirm I am defiantly pregnant today back  and I needed to have over a 5 I had a 699!!! So defiantly pregnant just praying it's a heathy pregnancy :) we beat the odds and miracles and rainbows happen! I pray everyone gets thier rainbows and they are healthy. Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers as well that our little rainbow shines bright and goes full term ❤❤