I like this guy.

I really like this guy that I've known for a really long time. I think I've liked him on and off for about 5 years. We don't text each other or anything but we follow each other on Instagram. He flirts with me at school sometimes calling me his baby and stuff like that. I talk to my friends about him daily and I feel like they don't think I should be with a guy like him. I recently told my mom about him and she didn't respond like I hoped she would've. But anyways he is really good friends with a lot of people and when he's around he always talks to my friends. And I was on Instagram recently and he commented on my best friends picture and it made me kinda sad. She didn't reply and the same day he did it he liked my pictures and I sent her a screenshot of it and she didn't reply. I'm really lost right now and I need advice.