tiny spotting 10 dpo, when I tried natural yeast infection remedy. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

Ok so this is my very first post. Firstly, I have beeen suffering with the symptoms of a yeast infection for a little over a week. It is the first one that I have had in probably close to two years. I did some research and opted to go with A home remedy rather then running out to the store to buy some kind of over-the-counter chemical/ processed stuff like I had in the past. I'm 10 dpo today (feb 11-2017)and I used the clear blue easy to find out my peak day. Anyhow yesterday I used a douche of half water half organic apple cider vinegar, then I used a tampon soaked I. The mixture for a couple hours. Last night before I went to bed I apply coconut oil to a tampon and slept overnight with it inserted.(both apparently highly recommended natural cures for yeast infection). Now for my question: this morning when I woke up and removed the tampon there were tiny specs of blood on it. I don't think they would have been noticeable had I not inspected the coconut oil tampon. What could that be from? Irritation, implantation, pre menstrual? I wanted to know if any ladies out there had any tried and true cures or yeast infection? Also at 10 dpo when can I take a pregnancy test? Sorry for the long post 😘 just need some advice and opinions. 🙏🏻