Ovulation help

Is it possible too ovulate 2 times? I ovulated on January 30 and I was cramping so I took another ovulation test. When I tested it showed a line not as dark as the control line but noticeable. We have been trying for 6 months hoping this month af don't show up. I lost my other account because my phone broke and I didn't remember my information. So I'm not sure when my af is coming. January 3 rd was my LMP. I tested today at 13 DPO but nothing on a pregnancy test only the ovulation test. But I been more tired and my boobs have been sensitive when my fiancé hugs me or when I touch them also cramps from times to time not bad cramps just small little ones. Is it possible to ovulate twice and is it too early too test?
The pregnancy test (blue one)
The ovulation test (green one)