are these common pregnancy symptoms

Okay I have gotten these insane symptoms. I am almost on cycle day 21 out of 28 and I have had to pee so much today it isn't real almost and I have had period like cramps, breast tenderness, extreme fatigue, nausea, headache, vertigo, and increased appetite for the past couple of days. I have no idea what is going on. I almost threw up at the smell of a cheeseburger and onion rings yesterday. I took a test, and it was vvvvvvf. Blue dye comes up each time. First response had a vvvvfl today. The new symptoms today are having to pee a lot; basically each hour, heightened sense of smell, almost a metallic taste, and sweet smelling discharge...oh and oily skin.  Are these common symptoms leading to your bfp? Respond people!!! Pretty please with baby dust on top???